
William Hogarth

The Painter and his Pug 1745 William Hogarth 1697-1764 Purchased 1824

Born November 10, 1697, in London, England; died October 25, 1764, in London, England; son of Richard (a classical scholar and journalist) and Ann (Gibbon) Hogarth; married Jane Thornhill, March 29, 1729. Education:Studied at St. Martin’s Lane Academy, 1723, and Sir James Thornhill’s free drawing academy, 1724.


Engraver, illustrator, and painter. Apprenticed to the engraver Ellis Gamble, London, England; set up as an engraver, c. 1720, and painter, c. 1728; visited Paris, 1743, and 1748; appointed serjeant-painter, succeeding James Thornhill, 1757, and reappointed by George III, 1760. Paintings in the collections of the British Museum, Tate Museum, the National Gallery, the Bodleian, and others.

Awards, Honors

Elected governor of St. Bartholemew’s Hospital, 1735; appointed Serjeant-Painter by King George 11, 1757.

Written by Gustav Michalon

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