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Tips for Cartooning

Tips for Cartooning

Tips for Cartooning: Cartooning is a good hobby, a hobby enjoyed mostly by those who have the talent as an artist. You may just do cartooning to satisfy yourself but you can also learn through cartooning. Some people love reading and watching cartoons. Cartoons are everywhere. They are on television, magazines, newspapers, and comics.

Tips for Cartooning
Tips for Cartooning

But how are you going to have high earnings in cartooning? Your cartoons must possess high quality so that people will embrace and love it and will crave for more of your cartons. But of course, don’t you ever forget stories that will leave marks on them. So here are some tips that will help you.

1. Paper matters

Use the high quality of the paper. A laser paper will do. Choose a thick quality paper so that the ink will not blot. When you draw for magazines, 6 1/4″ X 9 1/4″ paper is a good size. There will be ten to fifteen drawings that could fit in that paper size.

Tips for Cartooning
Tips for Cartooning

2. Drawing

Practice makes perfect. Practice every day. It will enhance your skills and you will be able to discover new ideas. You may also take a look and collect the cartoons made by your favorite cartoonist. Study how he does his cartoons and trace it. Once you are done with your sample portfolio, you show them to a friend. Ask them how they find your work if they understand it. If they have any comments, fix it.

Tips for Cartooning
Tips for Cartooning

3. Callouts lettering

Just like drawing, you also need to practice the lettering to produce a good one. Try using a pencil first to give room for errors before using the ink. Center your lettering in the callouts. All the lines between the letters should be of the same distance. The lesser the words in a dialogue, the better. Make the letters heavier or thicker if you want to specify that the character is shouting.

Tips for Cartooning
Tips for Cartooning

4. Color

Choose what colors tool is best for your cartoons. You may choose from watercolors, acrylics, poster paints, colored pencils, pastels, or oil paints. Also, consider what color should be used depending on the moods of the characters or the scene.

Tips for Cartooning

Tips for Cartooning

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Written by Simon Alexander

Story MakerYears Of Membership

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