
The Story of Cholera

The Story of Cholera

A short animated film produced by the Global Health Media Project in collaboration with Yoni Goodman

This film makes visible the invisible cholera germs as a young boy shows how to help the sick and guides his village in preventing the spread of cholera.

The film shows how to make the basic homemade oral rehydration solution using sugar, salt, and safe water as these items were felt to be most widely available.  However, a solution prepared with a readymade ORS packet is the first choice if supplies are available.

The Story of Cholera

Director:  Yoni Goodman

Producer:  Deborah Van Dyke

Story:  Deborah Van Dyke,  Yoni Goodman

Design:  Yoni Goodman

Animation:  Yoni Goodman, Sefi Gayego

Music and Sound Effects:  Uri Kalian

Special Thanks:  Mark Binder, Peter Cardellichio, Ron Koss

Watch also: Cream by David Firth, A funny Animation.

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Written by Della Holman

Hello, I'm Della Holman, a passionate contributor to Toons Mag. With a knack for blending humor and social commentary, my aim to tickle your funny bone while making you reflect on the world around you.

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