
Taliban under ISI order!

cartoon Taliban under ISI order!

Taliban under ISI order!

This cartoon portrays a critical view of the relationship between Pakistan, the Taliban, and the ISI (Inter-Services Intelligence). The central figure is an octopus with the face of a crocodile, symbolizing Pakistan, as indicated by the Pakistani flag on its body. The octopus has multiple tentacles, each engaged in different activities.

On its head, the octopus wears a turban labeled “TALIBAN,” suggesting control or influence over the Taliban. The head appears to be rotting or burnt, adding a grotesque element to the depiction.

One tentacle holds a flag with Arabic script, likely representing a militant or extremist group. Another tentacle is wielding a knife, symbolizing violence or aggression. One tentacle is wrapped around a book labeled “Algebra,” implying manipulation or control over education or knowledge.

In the background, the ISI logo is present, indicating the involvement of Pakistan’s intelligence agency. The ISI’s presence alongside militant symbols and weapons suggests a critique of its alleged support or orchestration of militant activities.

The overall scene is set against a backdrop of blood splatters, emphasizing the violence and chaos associated with these activities.

This imagery criticizes Pakistan’s alleged support and control over the Taliban through its intelligence agency, painting a picture of manipulation, violence, and destabilization.

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