Donald Trump
Donald Trump Cartoon and Caricature Archive
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Trump and his vision of the world order
99 Shares4.8k Views2 Votes
Caricature of Donald Trump, Acrylic on canvas
0 Shares63 Views0 Votes
Donald Lame Duck
9 Shares62 Views0 Votes
Game Over(!)
0 Shares75 Views0 Votes
End of an era
42 Shares2.5k Views1 Vote
America threw Trump out of the White House!
197 Shares2.1k Views0 Votes
Donald had lost the plot
5 Shares16.2k Views0 Votes
Trump refused to accept defeat and proceeded to court!
49 Shares2.4k Views0 Votes
US Elections and Trump
2 Shares6.5k Views0 Votes
Trump? Not Trump?! And if Biden?!!
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