
Supporter of war!

Cartoon Supporter of war!

Supporter of war!

This cartoon, Supporter of war, presents a critical and provocative image depicting U.S. President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a graphic and symbolic representation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Elements of the Cartoon:

Joe Biden:

  • Depicted as a larger figure, he is holding a baby bottle labeled “GAZA” and feeding it to Benjamin Netanyahu. This suggests the U.S. support for Israel’s actions in Gaza.

Benjamin Netanyahu:

  • Shown as a baby with an oversized head, wearing a diaper decorated with the American and Israeli flags. His body is covered in blood, symbolizing the violence and bloodshed in the Gaza conflict.


  • The background features a burning, devastated landscape with tents, suggesting a refugee camp or a war-torn area, representing the ongoing conflict and destruction in Gaza.

Blood and Bodies:

  • The ground is littered with bodies of children, some covered with Palestinian flags, indicating civilian casualties and the humanitarian crisis resulting from the conflict.

Facial Expressions:

  • Biden appears to be smiling, while Netanyahu looks content as he is fed, adding a layer of critique to their roles and actions.


The cartoon is a stark criticism of U.S. support for Israel, particularly in the context of the Gaza conflict. By portraying Biden as the feeder and Netanyahu as a bloodied infant, it suggests that the U.S. is enabling or nurturing the violence and destruction in Gaza. The imagery of dead children and a burning landscape underscores the human cost of the conflict, highlighting the perceived consequences of this support. This cartoon uses powerful and graphic symbolism to convey its message of critique against the political and military actions in the region.

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Written by Atiq Shahid

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