Start Drawing Cartoons of Children – 3 Key Tips: There are many reasons why you want to draw cartoons, and capturing children at work and play is one of them. What could be more endearing than the cartoon of your neighbor’s little girl with that cheeky smile? Or her big brother with a jar of worms? Yuk!

One of the delights of cartoon drawing is that relatively few lines can tell a great story. And, unlike other art techniques, you do not need a bunch of materials, all you need is some good quality paper and a couple of sharp and well-chosen pencils.
As you are starting on this route here are the top three tips to help you on your way.
Tips No 1
This is a really easy one. Decide that this is what you want to do; say to yourself that this is a skill you seek to acquire.
Why is this? Because we all can draw. If you can write then you can draw. The motor skills that you use are no more difficult than handwriting your shopping list in a way that you can read it. What is important is teaching your hand to follow your brain’s inspiration. All it takes is a regular practice in short bursts.

Tips No 2
Get yourself the basic materials you need today. You have made your decision, so do not delay in putting it into practice. The cost is minimal, but do go and buy a sketching pad, some soft pencils, an eraser and a pencil sharpener – and a soft pencil case too. That’s all you need to have with you daily. A letter or A4 pad is great with a smaller half-letter/ memo/ A5 pad to take with you. Now place all your materials together where you can find them and ban anyone else in your home from removing them under pain of death!

Tips No 3
Find yourself a mentor (personal or printed) or a local course and start today. Find a good cartoon guide book, even if you have a course or mentor. The book can be with you on every occasion you are cartooning. By sticking with one book with loads of examples and method demonstrations you can build your first but consistent cartooning style.

Tips No 4
Yes, I said 3 tips, but I do like to over-deliver. Initially, you will need to attend to build your basic skills, just like you did when you were learning to write, but these will soon develop with daily practice. Just a few minutes will do, but daily consistency is the key.

Do not overlook this practice, especially in the early stages, as it will lay down consistent foundations for your later masterpieces. It is a good idea to carry on this practice at the start of every cartooning session from here on. Draw circles and straight lines using differing densities of line. Consistent practice is the key, that’s what helps you to get past being just a competent cartoonist to being good – and you know which you want to be.
Start Drawing Cartoons of Children – 3 Key Tips
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