
Sleeping Betty

Sleeping Betty

In this animated short, Sleeping Betty is stuck in bed, victim to a strange bout of narcolepsy. The King calls on his subjects to rescue her and they all respond to the call: Uncle Henry VIII, Aunt Victoria, an oddly emotional alien, a funky witch, and a handsome prince.

But will a kiss really be enough to wake the sleeping princess? The film, drawn in ink, is a classic example of the anachronistic and playful world of Claude Cloutier. Directed by Claude Cloutier – 2007

Watch also: DRINK multitude of personalities crawl out of each other.

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Written by Della Holman

Hello, I'm Della Holman, a passionate contributor to Toons Mag. With a knack for blending humor and social commentary, my aim to tickle your funny bone while making you reflect on the world around you.

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