FF 14 is one of the most successful and popular MMO RPGs in the gaming industry, which is second in popularity only to World of Warcraft, which occupies a leading role in the entire genre.
In Final Fantasy from Squire Enix you will plunge into a post-apocalyptic universe where humanity confronts alien invaders.
The project already has its own story with iconic characters – Cloud, Tifa and others, with whom you will have the opportunity to meet as you progress through the storyline, which will take at least 100 hours of real time.
You can level up in a variety of ways, including by turning to special services like Skycoach, where you can get levels, or buy ffxiv gil at the best price.
Quests and story
The fastest and most interesting way to level up and earn gil in FF 14 is to complete main quests that will advance you along the storyline, tell the story of the project, teach the main mechanics and reward the most diligent players with gil and experience, as well as equipment and weapons.
Quests are divided into main ones, which tell the general story, and secondary ones, which can be offered by any NPC with a random reward, which is best taken into account in advance so as not to engage in useless activities.
The best format for earning money is to combine story and other quests in order to complete all tasks and receive a large amount of FF 14 gil and experience.
When you fully complete the entire storyline, you will receive the final level 90 and will prepare for new updates.

Grind and resource gathering
The easiest and most correct way to get Final Fantasy 14 gil is to grind.
Grind is a hunting format in which you are engaged in exterminating monsters and clearing locations.
It’s ideal if you can combine all possible quests and grind in one location, so that by leveling up for at least one hour you can receive rewards from all quests and farm FF 14 gils and resources that can be converted into ready-made items by crafting to get weapons and equipment, which you can use to strengthen your hero to speed up the grind, or sell them and earn more coins in Final Fantasy.
You can collect bounties from slain monsters, or take up professions like mining to mine them.
You need to find a profession master, start studying it and buy a special tool that will help you interact with the materials.
For example, for mining, you need to buy a pickaxe, and you can search for ore by the pickaxe marks on the map.
Squire Enix took an interesting approach and decided to engage players who are engaged in professions and at the same time fight dishonest gamers who use third-party programs to automate the process and collect resources without their direct participation.
To collect ore and other types of resources, you need to go through a short mini-game, which will bring you a resource in case of success and failure in case of a negative completion of the collection.
All resources can be used in the process of creating items, or simply sell them to profession masters to receive FF 14 gil and continue your leveling.

Each player has the right to try his hand at dangerous dungeons, if he can find them, or create a combat group that will enter the territory and challenge the boss and his guards.
Players go on raids to obtain equipment and weapons of a higher level and quality.
Each dungeon has its own requirements for hero level and equipment, and if you do not meet at least one of them, you will not be allowed to enter the raid zone.
A plus will be the opportunity to get equipment and weapons, which are guaranteed to be of higher quality and will allow you to prepare for and gain access to a dungeon of a higher rank – heroic and mythic difficulty levels.
It is in such dungeons that players have the opportunity to obtain equipment and weapons of legendary quality, which will significantly strengthen your hero.
This is an alternative option for obtaining equipment for a character in a more dynamic gameplay than farming, resource collection and crafting.
Final Fantasy has an interesting mechanic that allows all players who like to be active and quickly make decisions to gain a lot of experience and FF 14 gil if you are lucky enough for the event to trigger.
When the event becomes active, you must quickly arrive at the point and begin to destroy monsters, of which there will be a limited number.
Other players will also arrive at the scene to get the maximum, or at least some experience, depending on the damage that you manage to inflict on all the monsters.
The fact is that experience is awarded based on % of the damage done, and even if you have many competitors, but you continue to cause damage, you will still receive an increase in experience and perhaps even gil Final Fantasy 14.
When the last monster is killed, the event will be completed, and you will need to wait until the notification about the start of the next FATE arrives.
Quest and faction pillars
In Final Fantasy, literally every region has the influence of one of the factions and you can always complete tasks of local guilds to accumulate a level of trust and at the same time earn gil and experience.
Tasks are usually taken into account depending on the region and type of activity of the guild.
For example, if you interact with hunters, then you will be given tasks to destroy certain monsters and obtain their skins or claws as evidence.
By completing such tasks and increasing your authority level, you will be able to buy goods that connect the guild and their line of work.
If you wish, you can even enlist in the military and join the navy, cavalry, or partisan movement.
Any type of your activity will lead to an increase in the level of loyalty with the command of the chosen direction, receiving new military ranks and tokens that can be exchanged for jewelry and other insignia that will give your equipment the appearance of the chosen structure.
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