Search Results for: trump
42 Views0 Votes
Trump Twitter
16.2k Views0 Votes
Trump refused to accept defeat and proceeded to court!
2.4k Views0 Votes
US Elections and Trump
1.4k Views0 Votes
Trump loses.
6.5k Views0 Votes
Trump? Not Trump?! And if Biden?!!
2.5k Views0 Votes
Trump uses Afghan style election dispute!
3.5k Views2 Votes
Donald Trump lost votes
7.9k Views1 Vote
Battle of Trump and Biden
7.5k Views0 Votes
Donald Trump claims he has ‘protective glow’
26 Views0 Votes
Early voting with the Taliban prayeing for Trump`s victory !
38 Views0 Votes
US withdrawal from AFG, Trump`s campaign PR!
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