Search Results for: kid
27.9k Views0 Votes
Rube Goldberg (1883-1970)
37.4k Views1 Vote
George Booth (1926–)
26.3k Views0 Votes
Bob Staake (1957-)
119 Views0 Votes
Shel Silverstein (1932–1999)
138 Views0 Votes
Comic Strips
17.2k Views0 Votes
Brian Walker (1952-): Continuing the Legacy of Comic Strips
57.3k Views0 Votes
Christopher Hart (1957-)
28k Views0 Votes
Jules Feiffer (Ralph) (b. 1929): A Cartoonist and Author’s Remarkable Journey
American cartoonist
8.4k Views0 Votes
Popeye, The Funny Guy
45.2k Views0 Votes
Carl Barks (1901-2000) The Great
American cartoonist
17.2k Views0 Votes
Herbert Block (1909-2001): A Master of Editorial Cartooning and Satire
American editorial cartoonist
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