Search Results for: kid
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Max and Moritz: A Tale of Mischief and Influence
17.1k Views0 Votes
Rudolph Dirks (1877-1968): A Pioneer Comic Strip Artist
The Mastermind Behind “The Katzenjammer Kids” and “The Captain and the Kids”
31.9k Views0 Votes
The History of American Comics: A Journey Through the Ages
27.3k Views1 Vote
Buster Brown: The Iconic American Comic-Strip Character and Shoe Mascot
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Richard Felton Outcault (1863-1928): Pioneering American Cartoonist
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Ben Abas: Pioneering Dutch Illustrator and Comic Artist
28.6k Views0 Votes
The Impact of Cartoons on Pop Culture
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The Shocking Influence of Japanese Anime on Western Animation Styles
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