Search Results for: frank
3.9k Views2 Votes
Caricature of Iggy Pop, pencils on paper by Frank
6.1k Views0 Votes
Giovanni Paolo II, pencils on paper, By Frank
2.2k Views2 Votes
Caricature of Salvador Dalí, pencils on paper by Frank
2.9k Views2 Votes
Angela Merkel, pencils on paper by Frank
2.3k Views3 Votes
Caricature of Ed Harris, pencils on paper by Frank
10.2k Views0 Votes
Caricatura of Ezio Greggio, by Frank
10.6k Views2 Votes
Marilyn Monroe, pencils on paper, by Frank
10k Views1 Vote
Martin Luther King, by Frank
8.1k Views5 Votes
Christopher Reeve “Superman”, by Frank
1.4k Views3 Votes
Rudolph Giuliani, pencils on paper, old work by Frank
6.7k Views1 Vote
Caricature of Renato Brunetta, by Frank
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