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30.1k Views9 Votes
COVID Vaccine Cartoon Challenge 2021 (Open list) (57 submissions)
22.5k Views0 Votes
Cradles // GLMV // OC’s backstory ( blood warning )
26.3k Views0 Votes
Bob Staake (1957-)
104 Views0 Votes
Shel Silverstein (1932–1999)
27.8k Views0 Votes
Jules Feiffer (Ralph) (b. 1929): A Cartoonist and Author’s Remarkable Journey
American cartoonist
18.2k Views0 Votes
Giorgio Forattini (1931-)
70 Views0 Votes
Robert Graysmith (1942-)
1.9k Views0 Votes
POUR 585 Tyranny grows from the indoctrinated
2.8k Views0 Votes
How To Draw Lady Gaga Easy Tutorial, 10 Steps
16k Views0 Votes
How Matt Groening’s Own Family Inspired the Characters
Groening named the cartoon family named after his own siblings and parents, albeit with a “Bart” in lieu of a character named after himself
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