Search Results for: comics artist
15.2k Views0 Votes
Oni Press: Navigating Through the Pages of Independent Comics
26.2k Views0 Votes
Fawcett Comics (1939-1953): A Journey through the Golden Age of Comic Books
15.4k Views0 Votes
Captain Marvel (Shazam!): The Enduring Legacy of a Comics
27.3k Views0 Votes
Captain Marvel: From Comics to the Marvel Cinematic Universe
18.6k Views1 Vote
Celebrating 14 Years of Artistic Freedom: Toons Mag’s Remarkable Journey
A Journey of Cartoons, Freedom, and Artistic Expression
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Jim Borgman (1954-): A Master of Satire and Comics
16.7k Views0 Votes
Zits (Since 1997): A Teenage Chronicle in the World of Comics
20.9k Views0 Votes
Chance Browne (1948-): A Legacy of Laughter and Artistry
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