Search Results for: Artist
3.9k Views1 Vote
How to Draw – Some Tips for Young Artists
23.7k Views0 Votes
How a Caricature Drawing Book Can Transform Your Artistic Skills
2.2k Views0 Votes
Caricature Artists: Turning Faces Into Fun Works of Art
1.9k Views0 Votes
5 Copywriting Tips From a Comic Book Artist
9.4k Views0 Votes
Rumiko Takahashi is Inuyasha Manga Artist
26.8k Views3 Votes
Kamagurka (1956): The Belgian Creative Powerhouse Known for Absurd Artistry
19.6k Views1 Vote
Jeff Hook (1928–2018): The Celebrated Australian Artist and Cartoonist
An Australian artist and editorial cartoonist
2.6k Views0 Votes
Modeling before an artist
28.5k Views28 Votes
Interview with Dutch artist Mitch Leeuwe
Creating tutorials about art. Drawing characters and environments.
27k Views11 Votes
Sarah Timmermann, a comic artist from Germany
28.5k Views12 Votes
Michael van den Bosch, Character artist from the Netherlands
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