Search Results for: American
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Caricature: Antonio Quinn
10.5k Views2 Votes
Caricature of Mike Tyson
12.3k Views1 Vote
Caricature of Omer Elsharif
18.2k Views3 Votes
Morgan Freeman Caricature
48.5k Views0 Votes
Bryan Lee O’Malley (1979-)
38.4k Views1 Vote
Will Eisner (Iam Erwin) (1917-2005)
American cartoonist
27.5k Views0 Votes
Jeff Smith (1960–): A Trailblazing Cartoonist Shaping the World of Comics
American cartoonist
67.1k Views1 Vote
Aaron Vincent McGruder (1974–)
40.3k Views1 Vote
Cartoons in Latin America
27.9k Views0 Votes
Rube Goldberg (1883-1970)
27.5k Views0 Votes
Uncle Sam’s Thanksgiving Dinner
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