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Review of ongoing Cartoonist of the year 2019 contest

Review of ongoing Cartoonist of the year 2019 contest

Review: Believing in these three mottos, freedom of expression, information and opportunity, Toons Mag is all set to welcome cartoonist all over the world  by arranging competition “Cartoonist of the Year 2019” like the way it did happen in previous years where cartoonist from any country is free to express their voice, perception, opinion through cartoons or digital artwork.

From the very beginning, Toons Mag believes in the voice of freedom and its seemingly true that there is an inherent correlation between peace and freedom since they both complement each other, it been decided the theme of this year competition to be “Peace”. The best cartoonist will be selected unanimously by the voting process and the winner will receive prize money alongside certificate. Besides of this, the best 9 artists of this competition gonna receive honorable mention awards. Prize money for the winner is 2000 Norwegian kroner..the terms and conditions for participation and voting will be found on the official page of Toons Mag.  Now here is a quick glance over the top ten artworks that is leading among the registered ones.

Participate Review:

  1. Peace: By getting 643 votes, Atiq Shahid‘s ” peace” is the highest voted artwork leading in this list where he has tried to show that peace and violence are like opposite sides of the coin and the priority to choose any one of this two truly comes from one’s outlook or perception.
  2. Peace in the Middle East: The Second position is occupied by Youcef Aimeur receiving a total of 86 votes. Pigeon symbolic peace turning away from the middle east just like our developed countries and so-called peacemakers are showing back to this burning issue.
  3. Hate: Third positioning cartoon “Hate” displaying the rapid rising of hatred and fake appearance of superiority to each other that is spreading in our social networking sites and leads to disrupting of peace.
  4. Happiness to the Cultural Expression: The title of this artwork truly justifies the fact that peace also lies in the expression of cultural has received 63 votes.
  5. El Mundo y la Paz: Submitted by Carlos ornates this cartoon depicts the rising power of peace over extremism and violence.
  6. Fake news: The next one in this list submitted by Guffo. It shows the sarcastic criticism of our broadcasting media that has been afflicted with yellow journalism so as it lost the authenticity of the news.
  7. Peace: In the list of the top ten cartoons, the next one we have is a digital artwork that tells us today’s crucial situation of world’s nation where peace is just a word wrapped with blood, scarcity, agony, and fear.
  8. Antagonist: Pascal Kirchmain has occupied the 8th position and his submitted cartoon “antagonist” depicts the fact that today inhabitants of the world are considering each other rival and thereby peace has been smashed to the called peacemaker also playing the role of mute spectator.
  9. Peace: It has been submitted by Mykola Kapusta getting 14 votes.
  10. Racism: The last one in the list “Racism” submitted by Luke Descheemaker who brought out the fact that global peace turns out fruitful when we just ignore the distinguishing color, creed, and race.

If you are a cartoonist and didn’t submit your entry yet, then you are welcome to submit your entry. If you are a fan of cartoons then you are free to vote for your favorite cartoons.

Apart from all of these cartoonists and their outstanding works, there are other artworks that posses  mind stricken impacts such as “broom” and Don’t Rtini dove” of Guffo, “peace process” by Sherif Arafa.”Search for peace” submitted by Silvano Mello. Youcef Amer’s “peace and radioactivity”, “Warning”, “Reflect” these three have received quite a good number of votes. Except these Billi Fernandez has submitted ” All religions teach peace”, “Yemen” of Smitha Bhandana also deserves mention.

Regardless of the prize and competition, it is an open platform that is giving all the participants to share their views and outlooks with each other. This competition is bringing out some issues that impel us to think and do something about them which is a great thing. In the year of 2016-17 cartoonist of the year was selected Jose Antenio Rodriguez and in 2018 this title of winner received by Arcadio Esquivel. This year, competition has just begun..lots of enthusiastic soles are getting the platform to express their unspoken will surely be fun to see the ultimate result that who would be bestowed with the title “Cartoonist of the Year 2019“.

Please Note: It is just a review, not the final results.  (Review)

Written by Hasnat ara zaman

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