
Putin’s Photo Frame: The Ukraine Conflict Perspective

El enfoque de Putin scaled - Putin's Photo Frame: The Ukraine Conflict Perspective
Putin’s Photo Frame:

This editorial cartoon provides a thought-provoking commentary on Vladimir Putin‘s involvement in the Ukraine conflict. In the illustration, Putin is portrayed holding a photo frame with the inscription, “My war in Ukraine,” using his left hand. Putin’s prominent nose, concerned expression, and right hand giving a thumbs-up gesture are prominently displayed inside the frame. This conveys that Putin seeks to control the narrative and present a positive image of his actions in Ukraine.

However, outside the frame, a stark contrast emerges. Putin’s back is engulfed in flames and smoke, symbolizing the destructive consequences of the conflict. This visual juxtaposition highlights the dissonance between Putin’s public image and the real-world impact of his decisions. The cartoon underscores the notion that behind the carefully crafted facade lies a trail of devastation caused by the conflict in Ukraine.

Written by Arcadio Esquivel Mayorga

Professor of Cartoon art, University of Costa Rica. I produce the TV Show "The World of Arcadio", channel 13. I do cartoons for too many papers around the world.

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