
Miguel Brascó (1926 – 2014)

An Argentine writer, poet, and translator, humorist, cartoonist

Miguel Brascó an Argentine writer, poet, and translator, humorist, cartoonist. Miguel Brascó was an Argentine writer, poet, and translator, humorist, cartoonist, editor, a critic who is a specialist in wine.

Miguel Brascó (14 September 1926 – 10 May 2014) was an Argentine writer, poet, and translator, humorist, cartoonist, editor, a critic who is a specialist in wine and gourmet food. From Sastre, Santa Fe, he was also a lawyer and journalist of long-standing, and a keen observer of Argentine affairs.


Miguel Brascó Personal life

Miguel Brascó was born on 14 September 1926 in the town of Sastre (Santa Fe) and lived to twelve years in Puerto Santa Cruz, Patagonia. He studied at the National College of Santa Fe, advocacy at the Universidad Nacional del Litoral and postgraduate law at the Central University of Madrid with Carlos Bousoño and Vicente Aleixandre. In Santa Fe, he belonged to the group of artists from Spain, Espadalirio (founded in 1945), directed the radio station, did theater, jazz and translated German and English poets. He has 3 children.

Professional life

Miguel Brascó published a book of stories, trivial creatures, one of the wines, Brascó Yearbook with Fabricio Portelli, four poetry and the novel Quejido Huacho. This novel gave him the opportunity to intersect his records and his knowledge, worldly, journalistic and literary, in the journey of an engineer who goes on the road to be attacked by the complications of a reality he did not know before.

Quinn’s personal friend, by 1962 they had shared pages in the Aunt Vicenta magazines of Juan Carlos Colombres (“Landrú”) and “Cuatro Patas”, a creation of Carlos del Peral. As he considered his friend a great cartoonist, and a great argument is the one who suggests a comic strip that would be published covertly in some medium, to promote the Mansfield appliances produced by Siam Di Tella.

Miguel Brascó

Since the name of all the characters must start with “M”, Quino creates a type of family in which Mafalda’s and her parents can be recognized. The strip goes to the newspaper ” Clarín ” that perceives covert advertising and the campaign is not done. Brascó received the failed strips in “Gregorio”, the stable humor supplement of the magazine ” Leoplán “, created and directed by him, and in which signatures such as Rodolfo Walsh, Carlos del Peral, Kalondi and Copi collaborated. Impressed by the tribute to “Periquita” that he thinks he sees in Mafalda’s drawing, Brascó publishes three of the strips.

Miguel Brascó cartoon

Miguel Brascó Editorial cartoonist

From the mid-70s and the beginning of the 80s he was Editorial Director of the Diners and Status magazines, where he gathered two of his most successful passions: eroticism and gourmandize, in photographic chronicles and stories of bon vivant written with his particular style, full of imagination and humor, and enriched by his characteristic drawings. Along the same lines, during 2001 he directed, together with Jorge Lanata, the magazine Ego.

Miguel Brascó cartoon

Other Contribution

Miguel Brascó was secretary of the select Epicure club at Hotel Plaza (Buenos Aires) for 15 years, friend of Gato Dumas, Astor Piazzolla, Julio Cortázar and is co-author of the songs Santafesino de veras and Agua y Sol del Paraná with Ariel Ramírez And the triumph of anti-colonialist style “La Vuelta de Obligado”, with music by Alberto Merlo. He lived in Peru, Sweden, Holland, and Spain. In his vast career that earned him in 1984 the Konex Merit Diploma of the Konex Prize in the field of Humor Literature, he has also published object magazines such as Claudia or Cuisine & Vins, among other publications.

Short Films

In Gourmet’s channel, he made short films with oenological comments and anecdotes, in which he told stories of wines and places famous for their crops, especially from his own country.

brascochico - Miguel Brascó (1926 – 2014)

Selected Publications

  1. 1946, Nude Root.
  2. 1947, Transit of anxiety.
  3. 1953, Other poems and Irene.
  4. 1953, Universal anthology of poetry.
  5. 1959, Trivial creatures and ancient wars.
  6. 1961, The Tribulations of love (anthology).
  7. 1964, The machine of the world.
  8. 1967, Of trivial creatures and ancient wars.Stories.
  9. 1999, Quechido Huacho. Novel.
  10. 2006, Have a good time.
  11. 2012, The prisoner. A novel, Editorial Vocation.


Miguel Brascó died on Saturday, May 10, 2014, after suffering an ACV on April 16 that kept him hospitalized for three weeks. Brascó was 87 years old.


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Written by Sharmin haque prima

Dr. Sharmin Haque Prima is a dental surgeon. She has done BDS in 2015. She is now doing a master’s of public health at North South University.

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