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Message on International Women’s Day

Women's Rights cartoon by Arifur Rahman

Today is the 8th of March, International Women’s Day. Woman gives birth; just think, if there was no womankind on Earth, it means there was no mankind.

As a man, we should be respectful to our mothers, sisters, and love ones. 

I think equally, whatever our gender is, it is very important to be a good human being, affectionate and warm-hearted person.

If we all become good human beings, then the entire world will be a peaceful place to live, then we can celebrate every day as a women’s day, men’s day, human’s day and Valentine’s Day, and many more. 


Arifur Rahman, Cartoonist, and Publisher of Toons Mag.


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Written by Arifur Rahman

Arifur Rahman is a cartoonist and the founder of Toons Mag. Passionate about storytelling and visual art, he aims to inspire others through his work and advocacy for freedom of expression.

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Happy International Women's Day

Happy International Women’s Day