
Marx and Engels Confronting Capitalism

Marx and Engels Confronting Capitalism

Marx and Engels Confronting Capitalism

In this compelling cartoon, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels are depicted standing side by side, symbolizing their collaborative critique of capitalist society. The duo is shown facing a towering figure representing capitalism—perhaps portrayed as a corpulent businessman or a mechanized entity adorned with dollar signs and opulent accessories. Marx holds a copy of Das Kapital, while Engels gestures toward the looming capitalist symbol, emphasizing their opposition to the exploitation inherent in the system. The background may feature imagery of industrial factories emitting smoke, signifying the dehumanizing effects of industrialization on the working class.

This illustration highlights themes of class struggle, economic inequality, and the enduring relevance of Marxist thought in critiquing modern capitalist structures. It invites viewers to reflect on the disparities perpetuated by capitalism and consider the historical perspectives offered by Marx and Engels on societal change and justice.

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Written by Alexei Talimonov

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