
Justice is blind

Justice is blind but still no harm in doing an eye test

Cartoon By: Tvg Menon, India

This cartoon likely features the classic figure of Lady Justice, traditionally depicted blindfolded to represent impartiality. However, the cartoon may use satire or exaggeration to critique the justice system, suggesting that justice, while meant to be blind, is often flawed, biased, or manipulated. The image might show the scales of justice tipped unfairly, or Lady Justice stumbling due to her blindfold, symbolizing the failures or inconsistencies in legal systems. The cartoon serves as a commentary on the imperfections of justice, questioning whether fairness is truly achieved in practice.

Written by Olivia Inkwell

I'm Olivia Inkwell from Toons Mag desk. I post every content that we receive by email. Join me in finding joy in the ordinary and celebrating the beauty of the mundane.

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