It’s time to get your cartoon game on! Drawing cartoons is a fun way to express yourself, hone your imagination and creativity, and have fun with friends. If you’re looking for some inspiration, check out these 101 ideas for drawing cartoons:
Grow up to be a cartoonist.
If you’re a child, start drawing. If you’re an adult, start drawing now. If you don’t know how to draw or have never tried it before, then consider this your opportunity to learn.
You can doodle on napkins at restaurants and work meetings; draw stick figures in the margins of textbooks; sketch out the characters in books or movies that catch your eye; copy pictures from magazines or newspapers for practice (or just because). You’ll be surprised at how much better at it gets!

Make a list of things you like and then draw them.
This is a good way to get started with cartoon drawing. You can make a list of things you like and then draw them. Try to include a variety of things so that your drawings have more than one common theme, but don’t worry about making them all look alike. For example, if you like cars, animals and people then try drawing your favorite car in different styles (cartoonish vs realistic), or have an animal acting out human emotions, or draw yourself as an animal!
Draw a self-portrait.
Draw a self-portrait. This is an excellent way to get the hang of drawing your own face, but it’s also an interesting exercise in seeing yourself from different perspectives and angles. Try drawing yourself from the side, front, back and above or below. You might find that you look different depending on where you’re looking at yourself!
If you’re feeling adventurous (or just bored), try drawing yourself with a different expression on each page as well!
Draw your favorite pet.
Draw your favorite pet.
Your pet may be a cat, dog or even a hamster. It can be any animal you like! Pick up a pencil and start drawing the animal in different angles and poses. You could try doing this from the back or side view, above or below them and in another environment like on top of an elephant!
Draw your least-favorite school subject.
- Draw your least-favorite school subject.
- Draw a cartoon character you’d like to be friends with, and then draw yourself as that character’s friend.
- Draw an object from your childhood home, or even your current home if you moved recently.
Draw your teacher’s face.
Draw your teacher’s face.
You can draw a caricature of the teacher, or just their head. If you want to make sure that no one gets offended, ask them for permission before drawing their picture.
Tell a story about what happened in class today and show it through pictures! Don’t be afraid to exaggerate or make things silly; that’s part of being funny!
Draw yourself as an adult.
Draw yourself as an adult.
Draw yourself as an adult with your favorite pet.
Draw yourself as an adult with your least favorite school subject. In this case, I drew myself as an adult looking at a math problem on the blackboard and complaining about how hard it was to understand what the teacher was saying (and also how horrible she smelled).
Finally, draw yourself as an adult with your teacher’s face–or any other person who has been mean to you in school!
Draw something you’ve seen before that was really funny or really scary (or both).
Drawing something that you’ve seen before that was really funny or really scary (or both) will help you to remember it, learn about it and understand it even better.
Draw the most embarrassing moment of your life so far and explain what happened in the panel below it.
Drawing is a great way to express yourself. Drawing can be a way to deal with embarrassment, make friends and learn about yourself and others.
For example, one day I was at my friend’s house playing video games when suddenly he farted really loudly! I was so embarrassed that I ran out of his room without saying anything but when I got home it started bothering me so much that I had to draw him farting in order to feel better again!
Draw the most embarrassing moment of someone else’s life so far and explain what happened in the panel below it.
The most embarrassing moment of someone else’s life so far is a great topic for a comic. It can be anything from getting their foot stuck in a drainpipe to having their pants fall down in front of the whole school.
The drawing part is easy, but you’ll need to think about what happened in the panel below it. How did this embarrassing thing happen? What was going on around them when it happened?
If you just want to draw your own most embarrassing moment, that’s fine too!
Try drawing something new every day for 30 days straight!
- Draw something new every day for 30 days straight!
- You will get better at drawing and learn a lot about yourself
- It’s fun to do, it’s a good way to keep your brain active, and you can draw anything you want, not just cartoons
Drawing is a fun hobby that can help you express yourself and make friends. It’s also an outlet for your creativity, which is why it’s important to find something that interests you and then get started!
You can do it! With a little practice and some perseverance, you’ll be drawing cartoons in no time. And who knows? Maybe someday your drawings will be seen all over social media or even printed in newspapers!
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