How to Draw Robert Pattinson Easy Tutorial
“Edward!” Sigh, what can I say? Ever since he walked on the pages of Twilight for Bella, I couldn’t think of a better Romeo. I loved the Twilight saga books and the movies.
What teenage girl at heart could resist such romance… vampire romance. I couldn’t. Here he is for us to draw and drool over. Guys, I won’t fault you. It’s just a drawing tutorial. *wink* I hope you’ll enjoy this lengthy tutorial on “how to draw Robert Pattinson”. Thanks so much for viewing and have fun with this tutorial!
Sketch to form your oval of *sigh* Edward, lightly. Sorry, I just get that way when I draw him. Make sure you do the oval at this angle. Get those vertical and horizontal lines in too.
Draw in his eyes and nose, with nostrils. You’re doing great. Sketch in these features lightly, as you’ve done with the guidelines.

Draw in placements for Edward’s eyebrows. Make sure you do his iris and make the pupils like a crescent moon. Get a head start on that shadow on the right side of his nose. Sketch in the frame of his face and that strong jawline. Get his neck and shoulder. The drawing seems to be at a strange angle only because the camera took his picture that way. Don’t worry. After a while, everything will come together.

Finally, you’re closer to completing his facial features. Get in his upper and lower eyelids. And take your time drawing his perfect lips, as Bella would say. *wink* Make sure you get the fold lines in the t-shirt. I find drawing clothes and their textures are like doing a whole other personality.

Edward is looking more like Edward. And if he doesn’t in your picture, don’t fret. Clap if your picture looks like a person because you’re learning how to draw and it should be fun. Work in Edward’s fine hair, strand by strand. I betcha it’s soft. Feather in his eyebrows and shade in those pretty eyes. Don’t worry about all those red lines. They represent shaded areas you need to focus on. Either shade in small tiny circles or light angled strokes in direction of red marks. Then blend with a stump, tissue, Q-tip… whatever you get your hands on. See the transformation!

Your picture may look something like this in a pencil. Did you erase the guidelines early on? If not, go ahead and erase them now. Now shade in Edward some more and work in more shadows and highlights in his hair face, neck, and t-shirt. If you want to work on one area at a time, do it! Do what’s most comfortable for you.

Oh My Goodness! Your picture looks like a real person! Take a deep breath, rest a moment. Sit down from all your leaping and know you have created Edward. Whether it looks like my picture or different. You have successfully, completed this picture. Now for the real addicts or challengers, you can try to do the background in the next step.

You’ve diligently and carefully shaded, added highlights, tweaked to make your Edward picture appear the same or close to this one. Now you’re ready to do the background. Take your time, do some or do all.
I’ve put this picture here so you can look at it without going up and down in this tutorial. I hope you’ve had fun and will keep on drawing from my tutorials. Thank you!
Learn also: How To Draw Lady Gaga Easy Tutorial, 10 Steps and How to Draw Justin Bieber Easy Tutorial, 8 Steps.
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