How to Draw Rafiki Easy from The Lion King. This is a step by step drawing tutorial, let’s start and learn and draw Rafiki from The Lion King.
Draw Rafiki
Step 1. Start off with an oval guide shape for the head and face and then sketch in facial guidelines.
Step 2. Using the guide you made, go ahead and draw out the beginning structure of Rafiki’s face shape.
Step 3. You will then begin to form the brow area and some of the head like you see here.
Step 4. Rafiki has a dome-shaped head so go ahead and draw in the head shape and then add small tufts of hair at the top. You will also draw the crease lines on the forehead as well. When that area is done you can add the shapes of his small ears and then draw the lining and shape of the nose. As you can see the nose bridge starts off skinny and then widens as it gets to the bottom where the nostril shapes are.
Step 5. Mandrills have raised ridges along the cheeks on each side of the face so go ahead and draw in the curved lines and then draw the shapes of the eyes, the eyelids, and color in some pupils. You will also detail the nose tip too.
Step 6. This step is probably the most difficult. All you have to do is draw the rest of Rafiki’s head and face which is almost all hair. You will also need to draw in the bottom part of the face which is the mouth and jaw. Erase the mistakes and all the guides when you are done.
Step 7. That’s it. Once your drawing is complete you can have fun coloring Rafiki in. Now you know How to Draw Rafiki. I do hope you enjoyed this lesson. Be sure to like, comment, and share.

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