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Exhibition of Olexy Kustovsky in Prešov, Slovakia

kustovsky 2 30 - Exhibition of Olexy Kustovsky in Prešov, Slovakia

11.08.2016 at 18.30 already opening the Wave. Olexij Kustovskij – the Ukrainian artist, began his professional resume writing humorous drawn as a botanist, but now could be a leading expert in the academy of social seismograph because your images capture the ideological tectonics bureaucratic structures.
Registers very sensitive to signals of impending disaster highlights the impending danger and alarms rescue teams Resting peacefully in our grey cortex.
The opening of the images will be in the Club Wave 8 November 2016 at 18.30. Better to see once than a hundred times to read.
The exhibition is part of the Alternative quotient, which is supported from public sources of funds to support the arts.

Read about Oleksy Kustovsky

Peter RázusKýchanie mozgu – Brain Sneezing,  Prešov, Slovakia

Oleksy KUSTOVSKY Ukraine cena divákov - Exhibition of Olexy Kustovsky in Prešov, Slovakia

Cartoon by Oleksy Kustovsky, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Oleksy KUSTOVSKY Ukraine 042016 - Exhibition of Olexy Kustovsky in Prešov, Slovakia

Cartoon by Oleksy Kustovsky, Kyiv, Ukraine


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Written by Olivia Inkwell

I'm Olivia Inkwell from Toons Mag desk. I post every content that we receive by email. Join me in finding joy in the ordinary and celebrating the beauty of the mundane.

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