Portrait of a hustler, a shameless self-promoter, and compulsive liar.
This is Trump with his “Alpha” face on, as described by a psychologist, in the article, “The seven faces of Donald Trump – a psychologist’s view”
This is the loudmouth, insensitive, bigotted, school bully who nobody ever put in his place, all grown up into a repeated bankrupter and shady dealer, who panders to populist everyman rhetoric while placing himself on a throne at Mar-a-Lago far above everyone else, a womanizer who pays hush money to porn stars while claiming his favorite book is the Bible, who manufactures “facts” and “statistics” off the top of his head depending on his whim of the moment, who is psychologically unable to admit even to himself that he knowingly stole his first presidential election with the aid of foreign interference and is now pathologically bound to accuse everyone on the other side of the political fence of stealing elections, no matter how much his baseless claims and lies about his own value as a leader of men undermine the very fabric of our democracy and stir our great nation toward divisive conflict and civil war..
Yeah, so… not a fan. His face was a challenge to draw though.
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