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Drawing a Snowman, Easy Drawing Tutorial, 5 Steps

Drawing a Snowman Easy. This is an easy tutorial for kids and beginners, Follow the 5 steps and learn how to draw a snowman.

Drawing a Snowman is very Easy. This is an easy tutorial for kids and beginners, Follow the 5 steps and learn how to draw a snowman.

Drawing a Snowman

Step 1.

Start off with something simple and that is a round shape for the snowman’s face and then draw in the simple top hat.

Step 1 14 - Drawing a Snowman, Easy Drawing Tutorial, 5 Steps

Step 2.

Here you will draw and color in the eyes which are made of coal. When that is done draw the small carrot nose and add some blush marks for cheeks. Oh, don’t forget that smile.

Step 2 14 - Drawing a Snowman, Easy Drawing Tutorial, 5 Steps

Step 3.

Draw in the rest of the body which is just a gumball shaped torso and bottom. Draw a scarf around the neck and add two coals for the buttons.

Step 3 14 - Drawing a Snowman, Easy Drawing Tutorial, 5 Steps

Step 4.

Lastly, finish up this Kawaii snowman with twigs for arms and a rim or band around the top hat. Erase whatever mistakes you made if you made any at all.

Drawing Snowman Step 4

Step 5.

And there you have it, a completed drawing on an adorable Kawaii snowman. Color in your art and show folks what you just created by uploading your art.

Drawing Snowman Final

Learn also:

  1. How to Draw Pepe Frog, Easy Drawing Tutorial, 6 Steps

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Written by Dawn

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