
Cartoons and Sports: 8 Best Animated Characters and Their Favorite Teams

Cartoons and Sports: 8 Best Animated Characters and Their Favorite Teams

Cartoons and sports have been able to intersect with each other expertly well due to the popularity that they both experience globally. Both have become extremely popular with all demographics, thus making them ideal for creators of the entertainment medium.

Sports have always been able to dominate a lot of TV airtime whenever they are aired, with millions regularly tuning in and watching the action unfold. Whether it be American sports like the NFL or NBA or global games like Soccer, a vast percentage of the world’s population is going to be invested in what is happening.

Most are brought up supporting a team because of their passion for the sport or because of family tradition, as the support for a franchise is passed through generations. It is not uncommon, though, for individuals to support a team that their parents don’t or start following a game that no one in the family has had a previous interest in.

Cartoons have managed to use Sports successfully

Cartoons have been able to capitalize on this, as they have looked for new ways in which they can grow their appeal and attract certain demographics. Before the introduction of adult-focused and targeted cartoons, most were created with children in mind. However, they can now appear across all niches on TV, thus making them a popular entertainment medium for so many.

One way in which they have managed to appeal to adults is through their inclusion of certain sports, the events that are regularly held, and the teams that are involved. While they may not directly influence a fan of the same team to watch, they can be a great way to capture initial interest, especially if they are about a big sporting event.

Some cartoons have created specific episodes that revolve around an upcoming event. The NFL’s Super Bowl is one of those. There have been many episodes to have been created as the Super Bowl continually attracts viewers of more than 100 million with each season, and it has only grown bigger in recent years with the addition of sports betting being made legal. Punters can now use a sport betting Canada site to place wagers on the biggest events like the NFL’s showpiece, and many other events from all kind of sports.

8 Characters and their teams

There have been numerous instances whereby cartoons have used sports teams to add an extra level of entertainment and dimension to the characters that they have used. As mentioned, certain episodes can be based on the character’s support of a team, as it can help to create a storyline that many viewers are able to relate to. This connection can then also help to keep viewers interested, and coming back for more episodes, thus increasing the likelihood of the cartoon being a success.

Unsurprisingly, this has been a tactic that has been used by many cartoon creators over the years, with some perhaps a little more prolific than others. But who can be argued to be among the eight most-known characters to have an affiliation with a sports team?

1. Philip J. Fry’s Mother is a supporter of the New York Mets – Futurama

2. Peter Griffin supports the Boston Red Sox – Family Guy

3. Hank Hill is an avid fan of the Dallas Cowboys – King of the Hill

4. Stan Smith supports the college team Georgetown Hoyas – American Dad

5. Father Maxi is a fan of the Denver Broncos – South Park

6. One of the Carolina Panthers’ biggest fans is Homer Simpson – The Simpsons

7. Early Cuyler is a fan of the Georgia Bulldogs – Squidbillies

8. Carl Brutananadilewski is a New York Giants enthusiast – Aqua Teen Hunger Force


Each of the characters of the shows mentioned above have each been extremely memorable when it comes to the teams that they support. Each episode that has been created regarding their teams have been able to resonate with fans of all sports worldwide, which is what makes the crossover that sports and cartoons work so well.

It would not be a surprise if new cartoons to be created, or those that are already being televised were to continue to use sports teams in the future because of the success that can be achieved.

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Written by Simon Cress

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