Cartoon Faces Drawing Guidelines for You: Drawing cartoon faces is a fun hobby to do. It helps you develop your creativity and your imagination in creating particular characters. Today, this hobby can even help you earn some money. If you are serious about making a cartoon, you can be a great cartoonist. Animation has progressed rapidly and animated movies have successfully attracted audiences’ attention. People who have talent in this field can take benefits from the rapid progress of the animation industry.

Drawing cartoons is not an easy task since it involves creativity and imagination in creating expressions. However, you don’t need to worry if you don’t have the skill of drawing. There are always chances to learn. You can start allocating some hours a day to learn the basics of drawing. As time goes by, your skill will increase and you can create more creative characters in your cartoon. To begin the learning process, you can check the explanation below.

Guidelines on Drawing Cartoon Faces
1. Before drawing any cartoon faces, the first thing that you need to understand is the basic shapes. You need to learn simple geometric shapes like triangular, circle, and oval. Also, you are required to have the skill in drawing lines whether it is straight, curved, slanted, or curly. Once you have mastered the art of drawing basic shapes and lines, now you can move to the next step of drawing cartoon faces.
2. The second thing to learn is proportions. Generally, cartoon faces consist of head, eyes, mouth, nose, eyebrows, and ears. Since these features are common, you need to keep them in mind when drawing cartoons. You can start drawing crossed lines to keep the facial features well-balanced. Commonly, cartoon faces’ eyes are halfway down the face as well as the mouth.

3. Now, you come to the intriguing aspect of drawing cartoon: face shapes. In drawing cartoon faces, there are no strict rules that you should use. On the other hand, a cartoonist is required to be as creative as possible to create the face. You can combine different shapes to create unique characters. Commonly, cartoon heads are not always circular. Squarish or triangular heads can be used to create unique faces.
4. Once you have created your cartoon head successfully, now you can add its hair. Make sure that you draw the hair after drawing the ears. For a better result, the hair should not be complicated. You can use simple lines to make a cool hairstyle.

5. If you expect your cartoon to be different from the existing cartoon characters, try to create unique expressions. This goal can be achieved by altering three factors of cartoon face namely mouth, eyelids, and eyebrows. You can create different expressions like shock, anger, anxiety, or joy by linking the eyes, eyebrows, and mouth position. Accessories like sunglasses can be added for a cool look.
Drawing cartoons can be an easy task to do if you know the basics. Once you have mastered the basic rules, you can develop your ideas as creative as possible to achieve the unique characters. It is a good idea to browse the existing cartoon expressions to find inspiration.
Cartoon Faces Drawing Guidelines for You
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