Cartoon Drawing As a Hobby: Cartoon drawing is the most basic form of human language. It was used to represent what people feel when they could not write. It is an art to represent a situation, real or imaginary in a funny way. There is no limitation in creating cartoon characters. With little imagination you can create cartoon characters with all kinds of funny features.

The basic idea to keep in mind while drawing a cartoon is that it is a simplified form of line art and not a form of any complicated painting. It is more important to imagine a funny looking character in a funny situation. It is like writing a story with the help of animated characters.

One can take cartoon drawing as a hobby for fun or as pure pleasure. To develop this skill as a hobby you do not need more than a paper, pencil, a felt tip pen, and a few colored crayons. There is no major cost involved in developing it as a hobby. Cartoon drawing will allow you to explore your creativity without any limitations. A personal note or love letter will give the best impression when accomplished with a cartoon drawing.

Cartoon drawing can be taken as a profession for a rewarding career. One of the common forms is comic strips. Most of the magazines and newspapers have a special section devoted to comic strips. Comic strips can also be put together as a story to form comic books, which have been enjoyed by teenagers for decades. Additional knowledge of computers can help you to generate cartoons with the help of a computer. Animation movies have created a demand for a new generation of professional cartoonists.

Cartoon drawing can be fun as a law cost of hobby or it can be a highly paid professional career as a front-page cartoonist or as a professional working in big-budget animated films.
Cartoon Drawing As a Hobby
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