Just finished the event organized by Cartonclub, The Line of Fire. The international event of graphic humor publicized with hype and saucer.
Result: round tables with poor audio, low light, home videos, low attendance and prizes to cry a month in a row.
Many of us have wondered what these events are for, what do they contribute or to whom do they contribute?
Have we talked about ethics there? And good practices? No, ethics doesn’t seem like an “interesting” enough topic to deal with in this second event either.
Good practices are not necessary, they all seem to comply with them. From the founder of cartonclub himself (Boligan) to the last one to join the great cartonclub family.
Why haven’t we talked about bad practices? Surely, they have not dared to cross that line of fire. They have adopted by copying the positions of the three wise monkeys.
Nor were the guests interested in discussing the ethical issue, have given priority to the photo with The Best in the World and taste the rich Mexican tacos and good cold Black Models.
It is surprising that the president of the editorial cartoonists of Denmark has remained oblivious to the issues of plagiarism, coincidence and bad practices that have been talked about and denounced in the networks.
It is also strange that, in an event in favor of freedom of expression, other opinions or comments were not respected or admitted in their own page in Cartonclub Facebook, it is supposed that this was a tribune of freedoms.
Finally, we ask ourselves, what would Master Naranjo think about animation awards?
I leave a link to the award, they deserve a good prize all those who make it to the end of the video.
Enjoy: https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/lalineadefuego
We’ll see familiar faces at the next event in Denmark, won’t we?
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator
See also: Angela Merkel, pencils on paper by Frank