Bogdan PETRY
1975 1977 Art School; 1979 1983 School of Fine Arts Nicholas Tonitza; 1990 1996 Academy of Fine Arts
(Graphics Section) ; 1990 1992 Animafilm Romania (animation, storyboard, typing).
Prizes: 1991 1st Prize (Opera Prima) ACIN the festival for short films animation; 1992 2nd prize in the Youth Film
Festival Costinesti; 1994 1st prize at Bucharest festival Humor Press; 1st Prize Urziceni 2013, Romania; 2nd Prize
Osor 2013, Croatia; 1st Prize Vercelli 2014, Italy; Special Prize Nasreddin Hodja 2015, Turkey.
2000 2001 American newspaper cartoonist of Oregon, The Oregonian; 19961999 illustrate the Universe Encyclopedic Publishing; 2002 present, magazine illustrator Catavencii (Academy Catavencu) ; 2007 2010 Illustrated magazine MAXIM; 2012 present, Evenimentul cartoonist to Bucharest Day.
Personal and group exhibitions at home and abroad.