
AHOY Comics Announces Third Printing for Holiday Season of “JUSTICE WARRIORS”

AHOY Comics Announces Third Printing for Holiday Season of "JUSTICE WARRIORS"

December 4, 2023AHOY Comics is delighted to announce the fast-approaching third printing of “JUSTICE WARRIORS,” a breakout bestseller from the creative minds of Matt Bors, founder of The Nib, and acclaimed filmmaker and illustrator Ben Clarkson. After its initial release in February and a swift sell-out in June, the satirical graphic novel is set to hit bookstores and comic shops again, just in time for the holiday season.

Matt Bors, a two-time Pulitzer Prize finalist and political cartoonist, collaborates with Ben Clarkson, known for his work on Adult Swim and Vice Noisey, to bring “JUSTICE WARRIORS” to life. The story revolves around two police officers, Swamp Cop and Schitt, operating in the world’s first perfect metropolis, Bubble City, where everything seems idyllic. However, beyond the protective bubble lies the Uninhabited Zone, a densely populated slum.

AHOY Comics Editor-In-Chief Tom Peyer expressed his excitement about readers’ responses to “JUSTICE WARRIORS,” highlighting its reflection of real-world issues like economic inequality, corrupt politics, and militarized policing. Peyer added, “Matt and Ben imagine a society where everything feels broken. I don’t know where they get their ideas, but they add up to light-hearted laughs and family fun for everyone on your holiday list!”

The collaborative art process between Clarkson and Bors involves creators contributing to various stages of layouts. The graphic novel features line art by Clarkson, colors by Felipe Sobreiro, and lettering by Bors.

Matt Bors humorously remarked, “The economy is doing great according to the Justice Warriors Index. All sectors need this book!” Meanwhile, Ben Clarkson described “JUSTICE WARRIORS” as the perfect stocking stuffer for anyone “terminally online.”

The irreverent and dark comedy, “JUSTICE WARRIORS,” published by AHOY Comics earlier this year as a trade paperback, garnered attention from various sources, including CHAPO TRAP HOUSE, IGN, POD DAMN AMERICA, CURRENT AFFAIRS, COMIC BOOK COUPLES COUNSELING, LEDGER, SUPER NICE CLUB, GRAPHIC POLICY, QANONANON, and STRUGGLE SESSION.

AHOY Comics, known for its bold and satirical titles, launched five years ago, featuring comic book magazines with full-length stories, poetry, prose fiction, and cartoons. “JUSTICE WARRIORS” continues the tradition of thought-provoking and entertaining storytelling.

The graphic novel is available at bookstores and comic shops, offering readers a hilarious and biting critique of modern events and norms.

About the Creators:

  • Ben Clarkson is a filmmaker, illustrator, and artist residing in Montreal. His work has been featured on, Adult Swim, MuchMusic, and Vice Noisey.
  • Matt Bors: Cartoonist, writer, editor, and founder of The Nib. Two-time Pulitzer Prize finalist known for his political cartoons and the graphic novel “War Is Boring.”

About AHOY Comics:

AHOY Comics, established in 2018, promises readers more with its line of comic book magazines featuring a mix of comic book stories, poetry, prose fiction, and cartoons. The Syracuse-based independent company, led by publisher Hart Seely, delivers humor and satire in titles like “SECOND COMING,” “HIGH HEAVEN,” “THE WRONG EARTH,” and more. Editor-in-chief Tom Peyer ensures a dark sense of humor prevails across AHOY’s diverse catalog.

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Written by Anto Mario

Greetings! I'm Anto Mario, a whimsical wordsmith who stumbled into the world of Toons Mag. My love for storytelling and cartoonish charm led me to contribute articles that blend humor, creativity, and a touch of the fantastical. Join me on this delightful journey through the world of Toons Mag!

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