How to Draw an Anime Cartoon Kitty: Okay, like I said this is going to be a very simple lesson to learn. The first thing you will do is draw a big rock like shape for the kitty’s head and then add the facial guidelines. You will then draw out a smaller circle shape for the body of this cartoon kitten.

Now using the guidelines you drew for the kittens face, you will draw two circles for the big eyes that you would commonly see on an anime cartoon kitten. Once that is complete you can then draw out the little kitten nose and then the mouth line. Next, draw out the shape of the body as well as the front and back legs and paws.

Well, you are already on step four and all you will have to do here is draw out the two ear shapes and then ruffle up the chest fur. Continue to draw out the shape of the legs and head as well as adding the shape of the little kitten-like tail.

This is your last drawing step and all you have to do is add the daze circles in the kitten’s eyes and then give him some whisker lines. You will then add some more fur fuzz on the top of her/his head as well as inside of the right ear. Draw lines for toe separation and then start erasing the guidelines and shapes that you drew in step one.
Once you are done your cartoon kitten should come out looking like this. All you have to do now is color him/her in any color you like. You have now completed this tutorial on how to draw an anime cartoon kitty step by step.
How to Draw an Anime Cartoon Kitty
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