
When left alone!

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The world so massive, 

None around for ya, being active.

Neither the time, 

Why are you thinking about the fresh lime? 

The world so massive, 

None around for ya, being really relative. 

Waste of energy, 

To think about such a metallurgy. 

The world so massive, 

None around for ya, to support at the times of so much expansive. 

Neither the real, 

Why to think about the reel? 

I wanted someone to grib me, 


Sit on my knees,

So rightly! 

Yet none with glee,

Why am I thinking about one wisely!

Many say,

Never there is reckoned.

My chosen day? 

I fail to understand,

They say, 

 In sooth, Yet not beckoned.

Finding everything, 

Quite a steek. 

I wanted to try a thing,

Called unique.

Everything abandons as weak, 

Like a smooth twig.

Found my person lost, 

For I was yet to learn. 

What’s the cost, 

For me to learn? 

In the world called lost, 

For which I am completely lean.

Left alone, 

Covered with the darkest wool.

Can’t spot even the moon,

Maybe the air even is settling to adieu with the owl, 

None with me in noon!!

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Written by Guneev Kaur

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