
The Art VS gacha war explained

Anime Kawaii Follow Me For More - The Art VS gacha war explained

As some people know there is a war that everyone is taking seriously because of Coronavirus but today I will explain the gacha VS art war. So the war started by…i’m pretty sure it was a 5 year old that made gacha videos and ha said and I quote “Gacha people we are better than gamers,artists” and so on. Basically all kinds of creators. So after that tons and I mean tons of people saw that video. Only the artists were mad but that was because all the artists they could have been editors for gamers or they could make music videos but the point is everyone got so worked up over a 5 year old. The 5 year old doesn’t know any better. Like for example I have a little sister she is 4 and she is rude to me everyday. Of course a 5 year old will find out about the internet and start hating on people.

I am a artist and love Gacha. What is the point of arguing? They are both great.


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Written by Jenna Burns

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