

Color cartoon illustration of a fat man sitting on a park bench eating Doritos chips and drinking Coca-Cola soda. He is lecturing a smoker standing nearby about how unhealthy his addiction is. He is oblivious to the fact that his junk food addiction is just as unhealthy. Copyright © 2018 Cedric Hohnstadt. All rights reserved.

Addiction: Color cartoon illustration of a fat man sitting on a park bench eating Doritos chips and drinking Coca-Cola soda. He is lecturing a smoker standing nearby about how unhealthy his addiction is. He is oblivious to the fact that his junk food addiction is just as unhealthy. Copyright © 2018 Cedric Hohnstadt. All rights reserved.


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Written by Cedric

Illustrator and cartoonist. Creator of the webcomic Sketchbook Silliness:

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